Divorce, It Gets Better

I wish we could come up with a new word for when you exit a marriage that is no longer serving you. Maybe Exodus? Divorce has become a word with a negative connotation. I recently told a parent of my child’s friend that I am now divorced and she stepped back and clutched her chest. I thought about calling 911 for her but decided to tell her that I am just fine. I hope she was able to sleep that night.

Whether you are going through one or on the other side there is a constant struggle with the feelings of failure. Society certainly does not make that any easier. We did not fail. We made a decision to release ourselves from a life that was not working for us. When people leave jobs that do not allow for growth, we congratulate them and wish them all the best as they move forward.

I believe we would heal faster if we surrounded ourselves with positivity and kick negativity straight out of our lives. Some people will unknowingly offend you because they have never been there. Give yourself the care and love that you need to bounce back. If you need downtime, step away to revitalize. Tap into whatever it is that gives you life. If you need support, rally your friends and let them pull you through. Whatever you do, don’t stuff your emotions down. They will come out at an unexpected time and various ways. Self awareness is a huge part of knowing how to tend to yourself. Get in the habit of asking yourself “What do I need right now?”

It’s better to take your pieces and put them back together than to remain a broken mess. There is beauty in the journey to rebuilding yourself. You will find that everything you have wanted starts to take shape. And yes, there will be tough moments. There seems to be quite a few of those lately. That is the ebb and flow of life. The better we equip ourselves through awareness, the faster we can work through those times. It gets better with doing the work, patience and never giving up on yourself.

Regina H


Divorced and Challenged


Divorce Topic: When Family Turns Against You