25 Mantras to Get You Through Your Divorce

If you’re going through a divorce, chances are the pain and difficulty you are going through has taken over more than your life. It’s also taken over your mind. As one of the most stressful things you can ever go through, divorce can make everything else you do feel overwhelming. Your inner healing matters now more than ever. And choosing some mantras to help you get through your divorce can make all the difference.

Your inner healing work can start with the words you say – to yourself. Your inner self-talk can make or break you. And as those court days, paperwork, and potential conflicts of divorce loom ahead and all around you – and you can lift yourself up by being caring with yourself, and choosing your words wisely.

What We’ll Cover Today

  • We’ll settle your nerves about what mantras are – in case you’re a skeptic.

  • We’ll give you 25 mantras for divorce (or any day, really) to help you get through this.

  • And we’ll give you some tips about how to use your mantras to get through the tough experience of divorce.

Are you ready? Today could be the day you turn things around in your heart and mind and start looking forward toward a more peaceful and healthy future for yourself. I know, it’s like starting all over again, but trust me, as a divorced woman myself who now runs my own company, wears whatever I want, and does whatever I want, I can tell you that things are pretty great on the other side of healing. And I’d like to help you transition into healing, empower yourself, and begin that inner work that will transform your spirit into something even more beautiful. So, let’s do this, shall we?

What Are Mantras?

mantra is a phrase, word, or sound for repeating out loud and it stems from Buddhism and Hinduism. Though the origin is religious in nature, it is often used today as a way to guide self-help and personal healing. It can be a phrase, a snippet of scripture, a sound that makes you feel more calm, or mantras taken directly from Buddhist or Hindu traditions.

For today, we’ll focus on the self-help version of mantras which are usually positive sayings that help you to stay focused on positivity, inner healing, motivation, and moving forward with purpose.

One important thing to note about these types of mantras is that you take what resonates with you. If a mantra does not apply to you, “speak” to you, or relate to you – simply move to the next one. Take the ones that mean something to you and use them. 

Those things being said...here are 25 mantras for you to help you get through your divorce or find your footing in those days after your divorce. (Or anytime, really, that you may need them!)

Mantras for Divorce

  1. I choose this life. I choose me.

  1. I do not chase; I attract. What is meant for me will simply find me.

  1. I choose peace over conflict. I release what I cannot control

  1. I lift my head with dignity. This will not destroy me.

  1. Life brings change: I am strong enough to change.

  1. I grow stronger each day. I can do this.

  1. Within me is all that I need.

  1. God will take care of me. (Use any deity you choose for this mantra.)

  1. Eat, sleep, breathe. Self-care and hope will get me through this.

  1. It is ok to not be ok. Someday, I will be ok.

  1. I release that which suppresses me.

  1. I release those words that have hurt me.

  1. I approach today with gratitude.

  1. I welcome all the good things that life is bringing me.

  1. I am enough.

  1. I am worthy.

  1. I can choose to keep the joyful memories and learn from the difficult ones.

  1. Today is a new day with new choices; I have the power to choose health, peace, and wisdom.

  1. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. (Partner this one with deep breathing exercises such as these.)

  1. This pain will pass. I seek healing for myself in everything I do.

  1. Stop. Breathe. Think. Respond thoughtfully.

  1. Let it go.

  1. It will all be ok. Maybe not today – but soon.

  1. I can’t do it all – but right now in this moment, I will do what I can.

  1. Today, right now, I rise above the chaos.

Using Your Mantras

Once you’ve chosen the mantras that mean something special to you, you can write them down, copy and paste them into a personal healing document, or jot them onto Post-its and stick them around your home.

When you need the mantra, say it outloud to yourself several times until you begin to feel better and more energized. 

Before You Go

Alimonia Life is a blog dedicated to uplifting divorcees and helping people like you to heal and move forward. We are glad you are here. Before you go we want you to know…

You’ve GOT THIS.

Christina M Ward

When I started Alimonia Life I was unsure of the direction, I just knew that I wanted to
create a safe space for anyone who found themselves on the road to divorce.
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