How To Help Someone Going Through Divorce?

 Divorce is something that can affect anyone at any given time. And sometimes, this can be those closer to home. Divorce can be one of the most challenging things, whether for a friend or family member.


And after having experienced this myself, I am better positioned to offer some sage advice to those who may be on the cusp of such a thing. With that being said, here are some ways you can help someone going through a divorce.


Offer Support


The most crucial thing someone can do is to be there during your most difficult moments. But this does not simply mean entertaining everything that you say. There has to be a straightforward approach to constructive advice.


Do not trash their ex, compare their problems with others, or even solve their issues for them. Instead, offer a lending hand and allow them to devise a plan of action moving forward. That is what I did when I helped my best friend navigate his divorce. In this way, no one can blame you for decisions that they have made.


Be Ready For Pushback


While it may be your best intention to help someone in need, be prepared that the other person may not be so receptive. This can result in anger, accusations of judgment or even meddling. Don’t worry, as that is entirely normal. Just make sure you are prepared for how to deal with that. Instead, respect their wishes and let them know you are there for them if they need you.


Help With Moving House


In most cases, a divorce results in either side or both leaving their current residence. If that is the case, this is the perfect opportunity for you to step in. You can offer support with moving furniture, finding a new place, or offering to take them to places that they need. This is a non-judgemental way of looking out for someone and helping them move on.




If children are involved, then a divorce can bring added pressure. Childcare duties have just been made harder, and things look more strenuous by the minute. So offer some help by agreeing to drop off or pick up their kids at various places. That freed-up time allows them to work on themselves, while allowing you to help someone in need.




Hang Out


Sometimes the other person wants someone to socialize with. But it is not easy to ask for that when their life has been turned upside down. People can feel ashamed, have low self-esteem or even be short of money. And yet, some simple words of vowing to be there is something that could change everything.


So if you know someone that needs your help, reach out to them.

 Hasib Afzal


Forgive Yourself With Compassion

