Tips For Dating After Divorce

 Getting yourself back out there after a divorce can be full of trepidation. And yet, it doesn’t have to be if you don’t want it to. It is vital to remember why you are looking to date and make sure that you have your priorities set. With that being said, here are some tips for those dating after a divorce.


Be Realistic


Understandably, you may want to find someone as soon as possible. But in the process of doing so, stay true to yourself. Don’t judge a potential partner against your previous one, nor expect them to conform to your standards. Accept the person for who they are, and then you will be in a better position to judge whether they are suitable for you. Following my divorce, I did just that. A couple of years later, I got myself out in the dating world, and so far, I’m not complaining. 


Take your Time


Having a divorce offers you the chance to start things afresh. Take that moment to consider what you want and not what people expect you to look for. Perhaps this is somebody utterly opposite to your previous partner. Whatever the case may be, do not rush into things. The decisions you make today will define what happens down the line. Don’t make the same mistake twice. 




Before you begin dating, make sure you know what you are looking for in a partner. It does not necessarily have to be an exhaustive list but have a minimum yardstick over what you would be happy with. Not only does this make it easier to find your life partner, but it also lets your date know whether you are right for them. And when these two things align, then you have struck gold. 


Online Dating


If you are unsure over how to go about finding a new partner, perhaps online dating may be for you. It is cheap, easy to get started and the list of people you can reach is endless. Beware, though, you never know who may be on the opposite end of the screen. But if you use a well-established website and do your due diligence, you will meet people that you would never have come across. If that sounds like something you fancy, then give it a try. 




Once you have found someone on your wavelength, make sure you are honest with them as much as possible. Explain why your last relationship ended, and ask any deal-breaking questions that are on your mind; Whether that be related to having kids or getting married, set out your stall very clearly. 


So there you have it. If you are ready to date again, why not consider these things first. What have you got to lose? 

 Hasib Afzal


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