When Your Ex Moves On And You Feel Stuck

Breakups are not easy; they never were. But they become more complex when you see your ex having a good time without you. There is nothing selfish about it. It happens to everyone regardless of their age and maturity. Perhaps, the most painful part of the breakups are memories that you can't get rid of.


You may start to feel good and think you've got your life back on track. Until one day, you find out your ex is seeing someone. Suddenly you feel betrayed & heartbroken all over again.


You're probably uncomfortable with the thought of why seeing your ex with someone is bothering you at all. Especially when the other day you didn't even think about them once.


These must be the reasons why you can't stop thinking of them now. Let's have a look at a few of them!


You Thought You Moved On- but you didn't!


People tend to think that they have moved on to leading a happy life after so long. But in reality, it hits them in the face after a while that they didn't. You may have come to realize how better off you are without your ex. Until one day, you see they are feeling better and even start dating someone else. Then you feel like you're back at square one.


This often happens because we want to convince ourselves so badly that we can get over people. It's not the right way to move on from a person to whom you dedicated a part of your life. Let go of the pressure, give your breakup considerable time to heal the void naturally.


You Didn't Process Emotions / Issues.


If you have some issues with your ex that you didn't talk about, you're fooling yourself. These unprocessed emotions can trigger trauma, guilt, and anger and you will feel stuck on your ex.


There is nothing wrong with feeling bad about all of it. Let yourself feel the emotions and process. The only way to heal naturally is by asking yourself why you are feeling that way? Do you realize the past is over? Now all you can do is accept it the way it is. Forgive yourself and them. Don't be hard on yourself. Even if it hurts so bad, the good thing is to let it go.


Acknowledge your emotions, and don't be ashamed to feel that way. It's natural & it's human!

It's okay now. Just feel & let go.


You Keep Recalling The Memories


When you're lonely and not busy enough, it's easy to get carried away with beautiful old memories with your ex. It's okay if you haven't found someone to invest your time into. But investing in memories is not a good idea either.


Your loneliness can make you start thinking about how things were with your ex. It brings everything back -the sweet moments, the nostalgia.


But remember, being alone is far better than investing in a relationship that is not strong enough to survive. So, be careful that you do not isolate yourself. Spend some quality time with your friends, have a night out, start a new business. You won't have time to fixate on your ex then.


Wrapping Up!


It can be heartbreaking to find out that your ex has moved on now. You may feel that you were easy to replace. But trust me, thinking of these things is not good for you to heal. You don't have to move on at their speed. Don't give in to the pressure of finding someone else. Take your time to deal with your emotions and let your heart heal naturally.

 Hamza Aslam

When I started Alimonia Life I was unsure of the direction, I just knew that I wanted to
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