New Year’s Resolutions For a Newly-Divorced Person

 With the onset of the New Year, 2022 provides a perfect opportunity to set some groundbreaking New Year's resolutions for those who are having to contend with a divorce.


Whether that be something small such as making improvements within your personal life or a complete transformation in the hope of obtaining something better, it is important to have a clear goal in mind.


When I got divorced, I decided to dedicate myself to learning new skills. A few months later, I began learning Russian, riding a bicycle and of course taking up writing.


With that being said, here are some resolutions you could make this year.





If you happen to be a divorcee with children, then there is no denying that co-parenting is going to be at the top of your list of priorities.


It is never good to bad mouth your ex-partner in front of your children, especially since that can have long-term implications when they grow up.


Take the time to put aside any bad blood and go the extra mile for the sake of your children. It may just brighten up your year.


Look After Yourself


Having a divorce to start the year is the last thing that you probably want to go through. But with every struggle, there is an opportunity to come out the other side in a much stronger position.


Be honest with yourself about your misgivings and draw up a clear plan of action in order to tackle those issues.


Taking the time to do so can set the tone for the rest of the year and ultimately lead to rejuvenation next time around.


Give Back To The Community


One of the best things that you can do when going through a hard time is to reach out to others with a similar struggle.


Knowing that you have made such a difference to a person's life is exactly the reason why you were valued prior to the divorce occurring.


One of the very first things I did when I got divorced was to volunteer at a homeless shelter. When you make the world smile, the world smiles back at you.




Having a moment of introspection is one of the most difficult things that someone can do. It requires us to look deep within the depth of our soul and understand exactly what went wrong.


Going through a divorce can do just that, but it is something that people often ignore. Rather than being put off by it, take this as an opportunity to learn from your mistakes so that you do not repeat them down the line in a new relationship.




In spite of the hardships that we go through, it is important to remember that a divorce is not the end of the world. When it is put into a much broader context of what people go through, it can seem like a drop in the ocean.


While this is not an attempt to belittle someone's negative divorce experience, try to compartmentalize your problems and deal with the most important ones first.


So there you have it! Which New Year's resolution are you going to follow? And ask yourself, next year, did I manage to stick to it.

 Hasib Afzal

When I started Alimonia Life I was unsure of the direction, I just knew that I wanted to
create a safe space for anyone who found themselves on the road to divorce.
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