Dealing with My Ex’s Family and Friends

Breaking up is an emotional rollercoaster, and it takes an unexpected turn when you find yourself on the receiving end of disdain from your ex's family and friends. As I share my own experiences, I hope to shed light on the complexities of dealing with this challenging situation, offering insights into understanding, coping, and moving forward positively.

Noticing the Cold Shoulder

  There were moments when I felt the chill in the air – occasions where my ex’s family and friends were distant or avoided interacting with me altogether. It became evident that the warmth that once existed had disappeared.

  Casual encounters turned into awkward situations. Whether it was a chance meeting in public or at a social event, the subtle glances and hushed conversations made it clear that I wasn’t exactly welcome in their circle anymore.

  The tone on social media shifted too. Subtle unfollows, vague posts, or even direct comments conveyed disapproval. It was a digital reflection of the real-world dynamics.

  Another unmistakable sign was the absence of invitations. Events and gatherings I would have once been a part of suddenly became exclusive. The lack of inclusion highlighted the divide that had grown between me and my ex’s family and friends.

Acknowledging these experiences made it clear that the dislike wasn’t imagined; it was vivid in various aspects of my interactions with my ex’s social circle.


1.The Unsettling Reasons:

It's tough to be the person they point fingers at, especially when you're grappling with your own emotions post-breakup. The reasons for their dislike might be rooted in loyalty to my ex-partner or fueled by a one-sided perspective of our relationship. Understanding that their feelings don't define my worth is crucial.

2. Grace Under Fire:

In the face of negativity, my instinct was to defend myself, but I chose a different path – one of grace. Instead of retaliating, I focused on maintaining my dignity and treating them with respect. It's not about winning them over; it's about staying true to myself and letting time reveal my character.

3. Attempts at Closure:

Seeking closure isn't always easy, but I attempted open and honest conversations. Some were receptive, while others remained guarded. Despite the mixed responses, these conversations were steps toward mutual understanding. Closure might not come in a neat package, but the effort is worth it.

4. Building My Support System:

Surrounding myself with friends and family who understood my perspective became a lifeline. Their support provided the emotional stability I needed to navigate the challenges of being the perceived 'villain' in my ex's social circle.

5. Self-Improvement Journey:

I channeled the negative energy into personal growth. Engaging in activities that brought me joy, pursuing my passions, and focusing on self-improvement became my priorities. It wasn't about proving them wrong; it was about becoming the best version of myself.

6. Embracing Time as a Healer:

As time passed, emotions settled, and everyone moved forward. Perspectives shifted, and the weight of disapproval lessened. I learned not to let the negativity define my future relationships or experiences. Instead, I embraced the lessons and emerged stronger.


My journey of being disliked by my ex's family and friends has been a tumultuous one, marked by challenges and self-discovery. Through grace, attempts at closure, building a support system, focusing on self-improvement, and embracing time as a healer, I've navigated these stormy waters. Remember, it's not about winning them over; it's about staying true to yourself and allowing time to unveil the person you are becoming.

Joseph Abdalla


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