Knowledge Is The Key

Knowledge Is The Key

Everyone knows that divorce is a difficult process. That is the reason some choose to stay in a lifeless marriage hoping to avoid the pain. The agony of staying is no less painful. How do I know? Because I have been through both scenarios. Initially I thought that I would not survive the process of divorce. Everywhere you look divorce is depicted as a war you are not  going to win. 

Though you do lose a great deal of yourself, I find that what you gain is of great value. You become so aware of how your life has been and what you want it to be now. The time leading up to your decision will have you feeling depleted. The thought process is so daunting. One minute you are strong, ready to conquer the world and the next minute you want to run and hide. The fear of this new unknown life will become overwhelming if you let it. You will have to fire up your inner warrior. 

So the best way to combat the fear is to gain knowledge. Get an understanding for any issue that arises. If your fear is centered around your new housing start talking to friends who have gone through divorce to see how they solved for that problem. The more you know the stronger you will feel to move forward. After all the goal should be to move forward because chances are you have been in a holding pattern for some time. It’s time to move past surviving into thriving. 

You can silence your fear with knowledge as you navigate your divorce. It is a process of working through every issue that shows up. It is just that simple. Just know that every problem does not have to be solved today. You can rise to the challenge.

Regina H


Repairing Your Self-Esteem After Divorce


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