How Can I Get a Cheap Divorce?

It’s no secret that divorce is an expensive endeavor. While you’re already stressing about the changing finances in your home, now you need to worry about how to hire an attorney. But are there low cost divorce options? Can you get a cheap divorce online? What about a low cost attorney for your divorce? 

Let’s take a look at some low cost options for filing your divorce.

Can You Get a Cheap Divorce?

Yes, there are ways.

When I got my divorce I did something a little different. My ex-husband and I got what’s called a “collaborative divorce.” It’s so rare, the attorney told us, that he’s never done it before. 

Essentially, we simply hired one lawyer to sever the divorce and went our separate ways. One lawyer drew up the paperwork and we showed up, each in our separate cars, signed the papers, and left.

We even shared a moment of tears in the parking lot afterward to say how sorry we were for the horrible years of our marriage and wished each other well. (That was a small miracle, as the marriage had been very tumultuous.)

You can get a cheaper divorce but you should weigh all your options. Consider the costs for an attorney, other legal fees, and the time off work to attend mediation meetings, lawyer appointments, and court. It helps to get quotes (and referrals, if possible), for several divorce lawyer options. 

Understand that lawyers do more than paperwork. They look out for your rights, ensure you get a fair deal with finances, help fight for your assets, and work to resolve issues with custody and visitation. Looking for a low cost divorce is helpful only if you don’t “lose your shirt” in the divorce proceedings.

Should You Hire a Divorce Lawyer?

The single lawyer my ex and I hired explained to both of us that he could not legally represent two opposing parties. We agreed he’d represent my ex, and he did not advise either of us. He went over the paperwork and we signed. There were a few reasons this was possible for us to do:

  • Our divorce was an uncontested divorce.

  • We agreed to each keep our own car and there were no other assets to be divided.

  • We agreed our son would live with me and visit his father on the weekends and every other holiday. Therefore, no custody arrangement was included in our divorce.

  • We agreed not to pursue any asset division or custody issues and filed for a no-fault divorce, which was legal to do in our state.

Only if you feel very comfortable working with your ex to hammer out the details of the divorce on your own should you consider this option. Then, hire one lawyer between you (splitting the costs) to oversee the signing of the papers and filing the divorce*. 

The first step to finding a cheap divorce is to educate yourself on the divorce laws in your particular state. Without being well-versed on these laws you may find yourself making serious legal mistakes that jeopardize your future finances, rob you of your assets, or worse…make things harder for your kids. In most cases, hiring a divorce lawyer is your best way to avoid much more costs down the road.

*Alimonialife does not claim to offer legal advice and refers you to the appropriate legal channels. We are divorcees who have been through a lot, so we share our stories hoping to help you on your journey.

What Do Divorce Lawyers Do?

You may wonder what goes into all those costs. Divorce lawyers do a lot of behind-the-scenes work that you may not even see, but you’re also paying the big bucks for their expertise and reputation. A lawyer who is well-versed in the courtroom is often more expensive – because they can be. They have the know-how to help you navigate the complex legal landscape of divorce. 

Your divorce lawyer will:

  • Explain your rights to you.

  • Negotiate your legal best interests.

  • Help you decide whether it’s best to settle through mediation or go to trial. (It could be significantly cheaper to negotiate and avoid trial.).

  • Prepare paperwork for all parts of the divorce proceedings; court hearings, depositions, and other proceedings.

  • Address (and negotiate) child custody, spousal support, property and asset division, bill payment responsibilities, and more.

  • Draft your divorce settlement and file the necessary paperwork.

How to Hire a Low Cost Attorney

Most divorce lawyers are going to cost in the thousands; roughly $150-500 an hour or $2500-$15000 (package pricing), depending on where you live and who you hire. 

But, like other professional services you may seek – plumbers, dentists, hairdressers, etc. – It's totally ok to price comparison shop. Search your area for cheaper attorneys to represent you. 

  • Ask for a free consultation.

  • Ask for a price quote and what it includes.

  • Inquire about any additional fees that may arise.

  • Ask if they offer a payment plan or work with any assistance programs.

  • Look online for reviews.

  • Ask around to see what lawyer others used and if they were pleased with their lawyer’s performance.

Compare the investment with what you have to lose. For many people, protection of assets and arrangement of custody is worth the investment, especially when you consider the long-term costs of getting an unfair divorce settlement.

Also, check with family and friends to find out if anyone has a divorce lawyer referral. You may find more generous representation through a mutual connection. 

Other Low Cost Divorce Options

Legal aid – Many states and counties offer Legal Aid options, but there may be a waiting list. Here are some free & low cost legal service websites to get you started. But also, do website searches for Legal Aid in your area.

Sell assets to pay for an attorney – When it comes to the long-term costs of getting an unfair deal, it may be worth it to sell off some of your own assets to pay for the divorce proceedings. Be careful not to liquidate assets that could be considered marital assets. Family members may also be willing to chip in to help you get through this difficult financial time.

Get a cheap divorce online (DIY) – Look at your county's divorce website to see if any of the paperwork is available online. It’s possible you can fill all of these out on your own and represent yourself in court. Another option is to hire a lawyer to review your paperwork for you and offer some guidance.

Hire an online divorce service – There are online divorce services you can purchase for less than a lawyer, but both parties would need to cooperate to handle the legalities online.


Rocket Lawyer


Choosing a low cost divorce option should come with plenty of web searching, asking around, and reading reviews. Choose an option for cheap divorce only if you feel comfortable with it. Talk with your ex-partner to be sure a low cost option works for both of you.

In the end, what truly matters is that you get a deal in court that you can live with. Here at Alimonia Life, we know how hard it can be to go through this alone. That’s why we offer a community to support you during this difficult time. Joining is free!

Christina M. Ward


Beyond Divorce: My Journey to a Stronger Marriage


Post-Divorce: A Full Circle Moment