Divorce, Stress and Options

Once I decided to file for divorce, my stress level hit an all time high. My mind and body would not shutdown. I was restless and feeling quite anxious. Although I tried many methods to calm myself, it just wasn’t enough relief from the tension. Of all the things that I tried, CBD worked best for me.

Working out was a great option and it had some added benefits. It did work a bit. Walking was great because it gave me the chance to get outside and process my thoughts. Pilates was a great way to blow off some steam. All of this helped with my physical health as well.

Therapy provided me with a safe space to sort through all of my thoughts in a constructive way. I credit it for keeping me upright and moving forward. It’s hard work but worth every second when you apply what you learn. It really helps you get over the humps and transition in a positive way.

Journaling was another way for me to release my thoughts and feelings. I could just pour it out and sort through it. It also served as a way for me to look forward to a future that I planned. I laughed and cried while writing. It was very therapeutic for me.

When I felt overwhelmed to the point that I could not settle down, it was frustrating. One day I was at my mom’s house and she could see how wound up I was. She offered me a CBD gummy. She takes it for her back pain and to sleep. I joked about her trying to get me high. She said it would not do that and just insisted that I try it. I did. Within five minutes, I felt myself settling down but I didn’t feel drugged. I commented that I felt so much better. She gave me a whole jar of CBD gummies to take home.

I use the CBD gummies with the THC removed, which is the component that will make you high. It also comes in an oil that you can take sublingual. Although much research is yet to be done, it is noted that many have found relief for stress and anxiety, and other health issues. Some of the studies have been inconclusive. So as with anything, do your research. You should also check with your employer regarding their guidelines for CBD. If you decide to try it, start off with a low dose and figure out how much you need to take safely.

Post-divorce I took a gummy when I needed to settle down. I did not develop an addiction to it nor did I wake up groggy. It was an awesome discovery for me. I’m so glad my mom was persistent because it became a useful tool for me to add to what I was already doing. I keep CBD gummies in the house now.

There are many options to try for your stress management. I am grateful that I found a natural remedy for the relief of divorce related stress and anxiety when it got out of control. I would have much rather taken it than a prescription drug. Periodically I have to take one to rest at night. I also discovered that it was good for the body itching I get from an allergic reaction.

If divorce has increased your stress and anxiety levels, think about using CBD. Its is natural so you don’t have to worry about awful side effects. It’s easy to purchase. You can take as much or little as you need. We could all use a little calmness from time to time.

Regina H


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