Why Forgiveness Can Benefit You During Divorce

Going through a divorce can bring with it a lot of resentment, but it does not have to stay that way. While it is natural to feel hurt by what one’s partner may have done, it is also an opportunity to heal.

Sometimes it is better to let things go, show some forgiveness for want of a better word. Burying the past may open up the future. From my experience, moving on from the bitterness generated from my divorce was the best thing I ever did. I had a new lease of life, more purpose and energy. Here is why forgiveness could benefit you in the long run.


We are all human. Harboring those feelings only ends up holding you back. It can stifle new relationships, bring back repressed memories and prevent you from recognizing the very simple fact in the first place: that you had found some happiness before things went pear-shaped. Who is to say that this cannot happen again. Only you are stopping yourself.

Develop Friendships

As good as a marriage can be, it is a full-time job. In and amongst that, it is easy to forget the other people you have around you. But when you forgive, age-old friends, who you have not seen for a while, suddenly start to take more priority in your life. You realize just how many people value your company. One person may have left, but another few have entered.


Physical and mental health often takes a toll when one goes through a divorce. It is no secret that negativity increases similar thought patterns. And before you know it, that vigor and vibrancy that you were so used to having, turns into a thing of the past. But by being the bigger person, you recognize that it is possible to maintain a good ‘relationship’ with your former spouse. In fact, it can even become better.

Be In Control

It is important to bear in mind that throughout a divorce you are in control, as much as it may not seem to be. You only feel how you want to feel. Master your thoughts and direct them in a positive way. By taking control, you can map out the next steps.

Forgiveness lets go of the trivial arguments and focuses your mind on the future: a new job, new hobbies and wait for it, even maybe a new partner may follow.

You’ll be surprised what you can do when you decide to forgive. It doesn’t cost a thing, but it can add some much-needed value to your life

Hasib Afzal


Getting Over Divorce? Don’t Do These Things


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