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5 Things To Help You Prepare For A Divorce

 No one wants to hear the words, ‘I’m getting divorced.’ And yet, sometimes, we have to realize that there is no getting away from it. 


If that sounds like you, make sure you have a plan in place, a ‘game plan,’ so to speak, on how to proceed. 


After all, the worst thing about a divorce is a divorce with no post-plan in place. So, with that being said, here are some things you can do to prepare for a divorce. 




Striking while the iron is hot is not always the best course of action. Sometimes it is best to take your time, even if that is at the expense of short-term pain. 


You would rather go through the awkward silence than have to rush and find a new place to live, or even worse, have to turn up suddenly unannounced at the family home to say what has happened. 


In my case, once it became clear that a divorce was forthcoming, I agreed on a deadline by which I would leave and stuck to that. And the rest was history.


Common Ground


Just because you are parting ways, that does not necessarily mean that everything has to become bitter all of a sudden. 


On the contrary, a divorce can be the perfect opportunity to leave on good terms. Take advantage of that and try to establish things you can agree on. 


This will speed up the divorce process and remove any ill-will you may have otherwise had towards your former spouse. 


Agreements on finances and childcare are just some of the things to consider. 


Know Your Rights


This is undoubtedly one of the essential aspects when considering a divorce. Do not assume anything or take the word of someone who has been through a divorce. 


Instead, do your due diligence and make sure that you know where you stand. 


Consider getting legal advice as soon as possible and having a quick scan on the internet to have a general feel of what to expect. That way, there will be no hidden surprises. 


Talk To Others


No one likes talking about their personal life, but sometimes we are left with no choice. Seek those who have been through a divorce and get some sage advice. 


They may be able to provide you with something that you did not consider or, in any event, be there as a source of support in what will be a difficult period. 


Either way, you have nothing to lose but plenty to gain. 


Get Finances In Order


Commonly, people have joint accounts during a marriage. But once a divorce is set in motion, this is no longer feasible. 


Separate your finances by closing any joint accounts, removing your name from any documents that do not necessarily concern you and keep a copy of all documents. 


You never know when you might need them, as the last thing you want to do is ring up your former spouse and ask for such things. 


So these are just a few tips that I found helpful. And remember, be prepared. Divorce is never easy. 


 Hasib Afzal