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The Best Date

When was the last time you took yourself on a date? Most people find it hard to go out by themselves and always wait for someone to go with them. I hope you realize that you are missing out on some fun times while you are sitting at home in your pajamas and fuzzy slippers. You could be out there racking up some amazing memories and meeting other people who like to have fun too. Or you could sit at home and watch Steel Magnolias for the 24th time. The truth is that the possibilities are endless if you are open.

Most people won’t take a chance because they are so afraid of being judged for going somewhere alone. I’m sorry to break it to you but there isn’t a group of people waiting for you to walk into an establishment just so they can judge you. I would like to think that they are too busy having fun. If they notice you they probably will have a good thought about you. Maybe they would admire you for being brave or they love what you are wearing. The most judgement that you will receive will probably come from your own mind.

How will you know what you like to eat or participate in if you don’t explore? If you never date yourself what would you be like on an actual date or out with friends? Getting to know yourself is one of the best things you can do for you. Self awareness will teach you and others what you truly enjoy. If you aren’t interested in getting to know yourself how will you be of interest to someone else? Let’s download that.

Go into that closet, reach in the back, past the old coat, pull out an outfit that makes you feel great and go do something that you have been wanting to do. BY YOURSELF. It’s ok to have an amazing time. Maybe it’s something new that you’ve been thinking about or something you haven’t done in a long time. Live in the moment and love every minute. Believe me when I tell you that it will be fine. And you can thank me later. Live now!

Ali M

When I started Alimonia Life I was unsure of the direction, I just knew that I wanted to
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