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Something Doesn’t Look Right

Have you ever purchased an item that needed to be assembled and decided you could do it without the instructions? You just start putting it together by looking at the picture on the box. This piece seems to go with that piece and so on. So far it looks good and you feel proud of yourself. Your hard work will pay off.

Suddenly you reach a point where it’s clear that something doesn’t look right. It’s not looking like the picture on the box and you can not figure out where you went wrong. It is at that moment that you realize you’re going to have to start over. It is frustrating but there is no other way to correct it. So you take it apart and look at the instructions.

That was my life. I had built it without any instructions. Piece by piece I constructed a life that was not sustainable. I had been created with a purpose and in the marriage that purpose was sidelined. It started off very promising but I was not being true to myself. I had given someone else control of my life. My joy was gone and I felt depleted.

From the moment that I decided to tear it all down and start over I knew that I was on the right path. There was nothing easy about the decision. Over 20 years of work had to be dismantled. I had to write the instructions and begin to put the pieces back together. The most important components of that process has been counseling, working out and journaling.

I feel so free, I am a work in progress. I am being true to myself and what I want. I have a new and fresh perspective. I’m moving on. I’m building something so beautiful.

Ali M

When I started Alimonia Life I was unsure of the direction, I just knew that I wanted to
create a safe space for anyone who found themselves on the road to divorce.
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