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What Can A Divorce Coach Do For You?


Sometimes we all need a helping hand: And when you go through a divorce, that is no exception. There are plenty of things to consider, some of which can easily fly over our heads. With that being said, you may want to consider getting a divorce coach.

This may sound daunting but having an extra person on hand to outline your priorities could speed the process. And in doing so, save everyone a lot of heartache. So let us take a look at the benefits of having a divorce coach.




By focusing on the goals of the divorce, it is a lot easier to plan things out. This is especially true when children are involved and co-parenting relations are on top of the agenda.


A divorce coach could help with deciding who lives with who, as well as providing assistance in making sure that the separation is not bitter. And by having a third party, no one wants to embarrass themselves in their presence by letting their ego get the better of them.




It is easy to forget that marriage can disrupt our independent, financial decision making. Having joint bank accounts and shared title deeds are a thing of the norm. So when it comes to being financially literate and back out there on your own, it can be a difficult task.


This is something I personally experienced, as my ex-wife was in charge of the finances. A divorce coach will not only explain the numbers but get to the bottom of what you need to do going forward.


Save Time


You know what they say, ‘Time is money.’ And nothing could be truer in this regard. By freeing yourself up, you have the chance to get mentally prepared for the future ahead. This saves time without worrying about all the niceties involved, as a divorce coach can alleviate some of that burden. Having two hands on deck is better than one.


Reduce Conflict

There is no guarantee that the divorce will be amicable. That is why a third party may be needed. Rather than directing the frustration towards the other side, a divorce coach could act as a mediator and communicator between both sides.


In this way, things are bound to be less personal and much more professional. Not only that, but as everything is recorded by another person, there is less likely to be a dispute as everything can be corroborated.




A divorce coach might not have all the answers. But that does not have to be a bad thing. It is their field of expertise after all. So if the coach is unable to help in any way, they may be able to direct you to a particular organization.


And from thereon, you will have a solid network in place to navigate any challenges that crop up.


These are just some of the benefits, but of course, each person has to make a decision based on their own circumstances. But if you like what you hear, then give it a go.

 Hasib Afzal