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It took a lot to get here.   BUT finally the lawyer is hired, the papers are filed, the court date is set and the judge has declared.  I walked in the room MARRIED but walking out DIVORCED.....Now what?                                                                                Marriage is the first institution created by God.  It's vows, commitiments, and dedications are for more than the white dress, the beautiful flowers or the room full of well wishers.  Marriage is the one thing that is fashioned to demonstrate God's relationship with mankind. Is it no wonder that when it is dissolved there is much pain, stress, doubt and fear.                                                                                                                   

But listen Divorce Day is a new day.  It is a time for new beginnings.  Behold old things have passed away and behold all things have become new. I think you cried enough before Divorce Day. So now let the words of a familiar gospel song be your declaration....I have cried my last tear on yesterday.

I know some of you have not felt the pains of Divorce.  Wonderful!!! May God continue to bless you.  For the rest of us, maybe the pain was not deadly but it was pain never the less.

When you are united with someone, you become one flesh.  When that one flesh is separated, it feels much like major surgery.

I want to encourage you to shake off the grave clothes of the past. The past failures, the past disappointments, even the past abuse. Walk in the liberty wherein Christ has made you free. Whom the Son has set free is free in deed. You are to imitate the one that made you, God.  In the beginning God created... You must create the new and wonderful life you desire.  He spoke the world into existence.  You speak and declare, goodness, health, and prosperity in your world. Dare to dream. Follow your passion.

God has a plan for your life and it's a good plan. He has instilled gifts and talents in you.

Some of you are great authors and poets. Write the book.  Some have always desired to start a business. What are you waiting for?  The time is NOW.  Job promotions and even new jobs are available to you. 

Divorce Day has passed. It's a NEW day. "Behold I will do a new thing; Now it shall spring forth: shall ye not know it?  I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:19

Won't He Do It? He Will

God's Best to You

Karen Osborne