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Overcoming Fear During Divorce

Divorce is never an easy thing to go through. There is always an element of trepidation, but it is all about making sure that you are prepared for what is to come. With that being said, here are some ways you can cope with the fear that may come from a divorce. 

Look at the brighter side 

It is natural to see the negative things about a divorce. There will be issues with finances, moving house and living by yourself. But think of the glass as half full. There can be brand new opportunities to learn about yourself and come back stronger. When it came to my divorce, I had to move countries since I was no longer on a spouse visa. Fast forward today, I have a new career which I couldn’t be happier with. 

Join a support group 

No one likes to go through things alone. But it does not have to be this way. Search and join groups with people who will be going through a similar thing. You can bounce off each other and share ideas on how to overcome your respective obstacles. And in the process of doing so, you may end up having a new group of friends. 

Have a clear plan 

When you have a clear set of goals that you want to achieve post divorce, things become a whole lot easier. Take the time to think about your living arrangements, co-parenting relations and future dating goals. That not only speeds up the divorce process, but it also allows you to deal with any fall out from the divorce. 

Spend time with family

Separating from a loved one is never easy. But rather than focusing on the people you have lost, look at those who are still present in your life. And in doing so, go out of your way to spend time with them. They will make it a lot easier for you to cope with being newly single by being a constant source of support. 

Move out of your comfort zone

The best thing to combat fear is to do something equally as scary. Whether that be traveling solo, or taking up a new hobby, there are plenty of things to keep you on your toes. In this way, you will be better prepared to deal with anything that is thrown your way during a divorce. So why not give something new a try?

So what are you waiting for?

Hasib Afzal