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We Lose Site of Self

One of the things you hear people say is that they lost themselves within the marriage or they didn’t know who they were anymore. That is a tough realization to come to. Somewhere along the way we stop nurturing ourselves and we put our emphasis on everything else. We become like a circus act juggling all of the balls in the air. Eventually everything comes crashing down.

As awful as it feels, that is a great place to find oneself. Now you are aware of the fact that you are in crisis. That is the first step to the beginning of your journey back to you. You are broken and open to rebuilding. You are a clean slate and you get to decide where you will go from here.

Take the time to feel the emotions that visit. They come to teach us so much about ourselves. We often push them aside and pretend that we have it all together. All the while the suppression is building pressure that will release in an unhealthy way. Lay it all out. Examine every emotion and why it has presented itself. Within the answer lies the path to healing. You can not sidestep this important part of your journey.

Being settled in yourself will require you to truly know who you are and what you need. The way to do that is to spend time alone. You have to get to know yourself the same way you get to know another person. It is then that you will be comfortable. That is the ultimate goal. When you are free to be who you are, you can make the right decisions for your life.

Regina H