Find your happiness
and never let it go.


Through experience we gain the necessary knowledge to make positive changes in our lives. Our writers have walked the path to knowledge and want to share the lessons that they have learned. Please follow us as we explore valuable insight, process the information and begin an era of transformation.


Hasib Afzal

He is a freelance writer with extensive experience in entertainment, sports and blog posts. Divorced for a year following a four-year marriage.

A keen traveler and animal lover

Favorite quote: ‘If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.’



When she divorced her husband in 2018, KW’s entire world was taken from her. Ever since, she has been looking for herself in every nook and cranny of life. Peace and self-acceptance have presented themselves gradually and in very unexpected moments and places. Writing has helped her to express her self-discovery and has given an opportunity to reach out and connect with other souls on the same journey. The world is full of beautiful, giving people.

Regina H

Regina is an advocate for those who find themselves on the road of divorce. She was married for 20 years and is finding enjoyment in her new life.

Christina M Ward

Mom, grandmother, and unless you know her personally you’d probably never know she’s twice divorced. Christina shares her positivity from the perspective of a woman who never gives up, always strives to learn and grow, and has found ways to make peace with her yesterdays. She’s learned through experience that each day is a new day to make a better choice. Christina earned her Bachelor of Science as a single mother and now works as an author, blogger, and freelance writing coach. She’s the founder of her own company Fiddleheads & Floss Writing Services. Her passions are poetry, crafting, yoga, and traveling.

Joseph Abdalla

Joseph Abdalla is a passionate content and ebook writer. Outside of my work, you'll often find me trading, gaming, or trying to impact lives of those around me. My journey has been marked by striving to improve myself and having positive relationships with family and friends. Being recently divorced, my focus has shifted to rediscovering myself and finding happiness.